• Jay

    Wedding Dresses for Angel Babies

    If you are looking to donate your wedding dress to a special cause, consider donating to The Wrapped in Love Project.   A good friend of mine asked me if I knew of a place where she could donate her wedding dress; specifically, a place that would make outfits for babies who have passed.  I really hadn’t thought about that much.  I started doing some research and found Charlotte’s Purpose. You can send your wedding dress to them and they will make angel baby gowns and pockets for infants who pass before, during, or after pregnancy. I was honored when my friend decided to donate her dress in honor of Jay. …

  • Jay

    Online Support Groups for Pregnancy and Infant Loss

    When I lost Jay, I started looking in to support groups.  I wanted to find other people who had lost their child during pregnancy, so that I could have someone to relate to.  I was blown away by how many people have experienced pregnancy and infant loss.  I did not think this was something that was “normal”, but I soon found out it was.  I had always thought, if you made it past the first trimester you were in the clear.  Nothing would happen because people only lost their babies during that first trimester.  Even after our friends baby was stillborn at 39 weeks, I thought that was just so…

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  • Jay

    Happy Mother’s Day to All Mothers

    Happy Mother’s Day to all of the women with children in their arms, miles away, in their heart, and in heaven.  Today is a day that we honor all mother’s, but some remain unnamed because their babies are not here on Earth and were only here for a short time.  I feel that all children should be honored, no matter when the loss occurred.  Whether you only carried your baby for a few weeks, a few months, until the day of your due date, a few months after they were born, or years after they were born.  We must continue to share our stories and break the silence.  Our children…

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