
March of Dimes

It’s almost time for the March of Dimes walk.  This will be our 7th year walking in the March of Dimes.

We started walking for our close friends who lost their sweet angel full term.  At the time we started walking with them, we ourselves, thought that a loss like that was so very rare.  Our hearts went out to them.  We didn’t know what to say, but we walked.  We supported.  In hindsight, we could have done so much more but we didn’t know.

The 3rd year that we walked in the March of Dimes, I was actually pregnant with Jay.  We were very early and did not say anything, because we were there to honor Briana and we just weren’t ready to share our news.

When the 4th year came around, we found ourselves walking for Briana and our son Jay.  I was also pregnant with Joshua, but only our family and close friends knew that.  

A year brings so many changes.

We walk to bring awareness.  I write to bring awareness.  I share to bring awareness.

The March of Dimes is a wonderful organization that supports moms, babies, and families.  As quoted from their web page, 

“March of Dimes fights for the health of moms and babies.  We’re advocating for policies to protect them.  We’re working to radically improve the healthcare they receive.  We’re pioneering research to find solutions.  We’re empowering families with the knowledge and tools to have healthier pregnancies.  By uniting communities, we’re building a brighter future for us all.”

It’s always very emotional walking.  I love seeing the families that are walking for their babies who were born premature, but are now rambunctious, healthy children.  I enjoy reading the signs with just a snippet of what the families have gone through.  There is so much love and support on this day, you can just feel its presence.  

My emotions are at a peak on that day.  It’s not because it makes me think of Jay, I already do that daily.  It’s all of the what-ifs.  Seeing and hearing others stories just makes me wonder.   I try to keep my mind in the moment and focus on all that we are blessed with, but that is trying at times.   

We are never alone in the walk.  We are blessed with wonderful friends and family who join the walk each year.  We support each other.  It’s a wonderful time to be outside, enjoying nature and taking in all of the blessings that surround us. 


I encourage you to join a walk in your area.  There is a calming, peace that comes from it, at least for me there is.  Knowing that you are surrounded by so many people who understand where you are coming from, who know your emotions, who get-it.  It’s a wonderful experience full of emotions.  

Check out my March of Dimes page for more information or to find a walk near you.
