
Wife, Mother, Friend, Leader

I’ve felt a huge calling to share my journey as the mom of an angel.  I lost Jay September 2, 2015.  Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him.  The pain has definitely lessened since the first day, but will never go away.  Losing Jay has affected every aspect of my life.  My hope is that through sharing my story I will help others with the loss of their child.  I am big on finding quotes and articles to read that help me cope with situations.  When I lost Jay, I didn’t find much information.  I did find groups on Facebook and some articles to read, but I wished there was more out there.  I hope this helps you in some way and that you are able to find healing and start to find your new normal!

I am a mother to three; my sunshine, angel, and rainbow.  Those are terms that I was not familiar with until I experienced losing a child.  My sunshine came before the loss of Jay and my rainbow came after the loss.  My favorite quote during this time, especially when I was pregnant with my rainbow was, “Everyone wants happiness; no one wants pain.  But you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.” by Zion Lee.

My love and passion for writing was brought about when I was a 4th grade Writing teacher.  I taught for 12 years and have a strong background in English Language Arts.  Currently, I am the supervisor of an after school program in a new district.  I absolutely love it and am excited for the future!

I try to find the good in everything and see the positive side of situations, but my loss has really challenged my perspective.  We try not to let things get us down, but life happens and we cannot change it.  It’s what hides behind the smiles that no one sees.  We have to learn to cope with it and find a new normal, which is my hope for you.