
Happy Mother’s Day to All Mothers

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the women with children in their arms, miles away, in their heart, and in heaven.  Today is a day that we honor all mother’s, but some remain unnamed because their babies are not here on Earth and were only here for a short time.  I feel that all children should be honored, no matter when the loss occurred.  Whether you only carried your baby for a few weeks, a few months, until the day of your due date, a few months after they were born, or years after they were born.  We must continue to share our stories and break the silence.  Our children matter and so do you.  Every loss should be remembered.   Happy Mother’s Day to All Mother’s.  May you be honored in a special way or remembered by others.  

You are still a mother and always will be.

Happy Mother’s Day from one mother of a sunshine, angel, and rainbow to another.