
Wedding Dresses for Angel Babies

If you are looking to donate your wedding dress to a special cause, consider donating to The Wrapped in Love Project.  

A good friend of mine asked me if I knew of a place where she could donate her wedding dress; specifically, a place that would make outfits for babies who have passed.  I really hadn’t thought about that much.  I started doing some research and found Charlotte’s Purpose.

You can send your wedding dress to them and they will make angel baby gowns and pockets for infants who pass before, during, or after pregnancy.

I was honored when my friend decided to donate her dress in honor of Jay.  When you submit information to the website, they ask if you want to donate in memory of a baby lost to miscarriage or stillbirth.  When they make outfits from my thoughtful friend’s dress to send to grieving families, they will include a certificate that says “Donated in honor of Jay.”  

As a mother who has lost her child to stillbirth, this makes my heart so happy!  I’m thrilled to know that there are people out there who will honor babies who have gone too soon.

Consider checking out The Wrapped in Love Project and donating your wedding dress or sharing with others who may be interested in doing so.   When you visit the site, read about the reason behind Charlotte’s Purpose and how they got started.  Their story of loss is so very sad, but the fact that they choose to honor their baby by honoring so many, is absolutely inspiring.