• Pregnancy after loss

    Do you believe in Rainbows after the storm?

    After we lost Jay, life was kind of a haze for a while.  I was angry, shocked, in disbelief, in denial, hurt, sad.  You name it and I had those feelings in the first few months that followed. It took me 10 months to get pregnant with my daughter and 7 months to get pregnant with Jay.  A few months after losing Jay and having multiply tests run on me to see if something was wrong with me, my doctor asked about birth control.  I really hadn’t thought about it, much less anything else.  My husband and I talked and decided since it took a while to get pregnant with…

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  • Jay

    Returning to Work After a Loss

    When I lost Jay, I took three weeks off from work.  I didn’t know how to cope with the loss, much less return to the classroom and teach. Everyone at school was so supportive.  They brought food over everyday, sent cards, and messages with their condolences. My Assistant Principal contacted me about sending out a letter to the parents regarding my loss.  The parents and students all knew I was pregnant, although I had just started in a new school district.  I met them all at Meet the Teacher night, very big and 21 weeks pregnant.  I do not know what the letter said, but it was sent out to…

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  • Jay

    Happy Father’s Day to All Fathers!

    Happy Father’s Day to all of the father’s out there!  I know how infant loss can affect mothers, because I am a mother who has lost her child.  I am not so sure how infant loss affects fathers, I’ve never felt loss in their shoes. My husband was very strong for me.  I have only seen him cry a handful of times in the 18 years we’ve known each other.  One of those times was when we lost Jay and a few times in the months that followed.  He was heartbroken, but I could tell he also felt he needed to be strong for our family.   I hope all fathers…

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  • Jay

    11 Books for Grieving Mothers

    I’ll Hold You in Heaven:  Healing and Hope for the Parent Who has Lost a Child through Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Abortion or Early Infant Death by Jack W. Hayford Jack Hayford is founding pastor of The Church on the Way.  He uses scripture and refers to God often in this book to show that we will hold our children in heaven one day.  I enjoyed this book and how it helped me think of God, even in the darkest of times. Grieving the Child I Never Knew by Kathe Wunnenberg  Kathe Wunnenberg wrote this from her own personal experience.  She had three miscarriages and a stillbirth herself, so the pain of loss…

  • Jay

    Happy Mother’s Day to All Mothers

    Happy Mother’s Day to all of the women with children in their arms, miles away, in their heart, and in heaven.  Today is a day that we honor all mother’s, but some remain unnamed because their babies are not here on Earth and were only here for a short time.  I feel that all children should be honored, no matter when the loss occurred.  Whether you only carried your baby for a few weeks, a few months, until the day of your due date, a few months after they were born, or years after they were born.  We must continue to share our stories and break the silence.  Our children…

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